18 May Regional Theatre-Makers Corrected Shakespeare
Regional Theatre-Makers Corrected Shakespeare
Igor Ružić
T Portal, 17th February, 2014
The directress, together with the management of the Ljubljana Theatre which has genuinely flourished in the past couple of seasons, thought that now was the right time for staging The Taming of the Shrew. If the Bard really is as great as we think he is, his fame and value cannot be questioned by critique or interpretations which do not come down to recycled idolatry. On the contrary, reassembling and questioning the premises of a work of classic can only do it good, regardless of whether it might be incongruent with an interpretation, a translation, or a new director’s vision.
The answer to: “What should be done?” is, of course: to react; even if irony seems to be the only proper way to read the original play.
In this case it was done by engaging three renowned playwrights from Slovenia, Croatia and Serbia – Simona Semenič, Ivana Sajko, and Maja Pelević. All three of them, the first one in ironical, the second in metaphorical, and the third one in a brutal street tone, have rewritten the final monologue of the Shrew as a unique homage to “tameness”. Given the fact that none of them has ever been tamed – which is clear from their successful careers both at home and abroad – their texts, although small in comparison to the original play, are the biggest value of this performance.
Small in terms of stage design and the props, for it belongs to a free and somewhat experimental programme of the small stage of the Ljubljansko Mesno Gledališče, The Taming of the Shrew has yet a few additional trump cards: “real” comments on the meaning of theatre as such and, “properly Elizabethan”, exclusively male ensemble.
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